Acroing our way around the world

August 2, 2015 by Eric in Anthropology | 14 Comments

Living a placeless existence has its abundance of charms and its remarkable tolls. With a lively infusion of playful acrobatics in our lives, we’ve continued to stay well connected, introduced countless folks to the practice, and unlocked numerous adventures that we would never have had along the way otherwise. Additionally, we’ve found that when connecting with most other practitioners, we share an immediate human bond transcending the practice itself that expands our optionality by significant orders of magnitude.

Looking for a little guidance?

March 18, 2014 by Eric in Anthropology | 2 Comments

Stonehenge and other vestiges of human thought arouse our curiosity but carry no message for our guidance. To convey our ideas across time to other human beings we want to erect a monument… a cluster of graven stones… which will silently display our ideas when we have gone. We hope they will merit increasing acceptance and that through their silent persistence they will hasten in a small degree the coming Age of Reason.

US Departure Roadtrip

February 6, 2014 by Eric in Uncategorized

Following quite an exhaustive and exhausting purge of just about everything, we’ve now hit the road on our US roadtrip! Below is a map of our journey that we’ll be adding to as we go along.